Monday, April 30, 2007

The Sign up form is now working again. Please let us know if you have any problems with it when you try to sign up.

There are till a few spots left on game one and four and lots of spots on game two and three. So keep signing up.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


We have closed down the sign-up-system for now and are working on to get it online. Our webmaster has a lot on his table at the moment.

On the positive side we have been granted 15 000 SEK (~1500 Euro) from Gunvor and Josef Anérs foundation.

We are also out and doing publicity for the larp. Right now me and Anders are at Sverok's(Swedens national gaming organisation) annual meeting and among lot’s of other thing talking about the larp with people from all over the country. Tobias on the other hand is in Italy at a gaming convention taking about the larp there.

Last Thursday we had a meeting and organised the different techniques, see all the photos. It might not look as that but, we actually structured them. We are going to have a week-end in May with all the directors to try out the exercises and teach the directors everything about the larp. It shall be very interesting and fun!

So I have no doubt there will be a great larp, and are very happy for all the sign ups!


Friday, April 20, 2007

Problems with the sign up system

We have some problems with the sign up system right now, but we are working on it. The most important thing is that if you signed up and didn't receive any conformation that you are signed up, you are not signed up. We have not received your information details.
We are working so that the system should be online soon and sign up will be possible again.



Monday, April 16, 2007

Money and more

We been granted 45000 DKK from Nordic culture foundation!

That’s approximately 55000 SEK or 5500 Euro. That’s great!

This also encourages us to seek more Nordic participants. There are still some places left on the international game (especially females!).

I was also interview in the National Swedish game association magazine; “Signaler” which arrived yesterday. And in May I will be interview by the Magazine; “Teaterforum” of the National Swedish amateur-theatre association. So the more information about the larp is spreading.

Right now I’m looking forward to Thursday where we will have a meeting and plan the upcoming directors-week-end. All the directors will try out and evaluate the methods that we have developed for the larp.

We have counted that, we will have you participants for 41 hours totally (8 PM first day – 1PM third day), and I have to warn you; they will be very intense. We have loads of ideas what to do.

It shall be great fun!



Sunday, April 15, 2007

The game is half full or half empty

The game is now half full or half empty depending on how you wish to look at it. We have filled 81 of the 160 spots in the six weeks we have been open for sign up. If we keep this up we will be full by the last of May.

The first and last games are all but filled on males spots and we have begun filling the second and third game aswell. There are still a few female spots left in game one and four.

Cheers from,

/Anders Hultman